Ultralow Contact Resistance between a-IGZO and Metal for Sub-um Thin-Film Transistors
- International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Busan, Korea
- Hyuk Park, Juyoung Yun, Seongmin Park, Taewon Seo, Yoonyoung Chung
Ultrathin Dielectric Interlayer to Enhance the Contact between Oxide Semiconductor and Metal for High-Resolution Display
- International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Busan, Korea
- Juyoung Yun, Hyuk Park, Yoonyoung Chung
BEOL-Compatible Neuromorphic Synapse Device Based on Metal Oxide Transistors
- Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD), Virtual Conference
- Seongmin Park, Gilsu Jeon, Suwon Seong, Yoonyoung Chung
(Invited) Wearable Device Technology for Convenient Communication and Safety under Noisy Environment
- Posco Symposium on Smart Factory, Pohang, Korea
- Yoonyoung Chung
Substrate Biasing Approach to Generate Artificial Oxygen Vacancy for Stable Nitrogen-Doped IGZO Thin-Film Transistors
- International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Seoul, Korea
- Jueun Kim, Seongmin Park, Gilsu Jeon, Suwon Seong, Yoonyoung Chung
How is the Sport Industry Evolving with Digital Transformation?
- Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Colloquium, Virtual Conference
- Yoonyoung Chung
Substrate Biasing Approach to Generate Artificial Oxygen Vacancy for Stable Nitrogen-Doped IGZO Thin-Film Transistor
- IEIE Summer Conference, Jeju, Korea
- Jueun Kim, Seongmin Park, Taewon Seo, Suwon Seong, Juyoung Yun, Gilsu Jeon, Yoonyoung Chung
Fabrication of Flexible Hierarchically-Structured Electrode and Implementation of Glucose Sensor
- IEIE Summer Conference, Jeju, Korea
- Jinpyeo Jeung, Inyeol Yun, Yunsik Kim, Yonghun Song, Yoonyoung Chung
Enhancing Response Time of Quantum-Dot-Based TFT Photosensor with Self-Assembled Monolayer
- Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), Virtual Conference
- Gilsu Jeon, Taewon Seo, Hyungmin Ko, Yoonyoung Chung
Fabrication of Nanoparticle-Deposited Flexible Electrode and Its Application on Biopotential Sensing
- Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS), Virtual Conference
- Jinpyeo Jeung, Inyeol Yun, and Yoonyoung Chung